6c. Beam Deflection  (SSES Ch. 6.2)
Deflection Governing Equations Boundary Conditions
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External loads cause beams to deflect transverse to its main axis. The shape of the deflected beam is defined by v(x); v(x) is the deflection of the neutral axis with respect to its original condition. The deflected shape is called the elastic curve. The elastic curve is always:
  • Smooth. The slope equations must be the equal at a junction of any two segments of a beam, regardless of the direction from which the common point is approached.
  • Continuous. The displacement equations must be equal at a junction of any two segments of a beam, regardless of the direction from which the common point is approached.

Governing Equations

Based on the moment-curvature relationship, the governing differential equation for the deflection of an elastic beam, for small deflections:

EI is called the bending stiffness or flexural rigidity of a beam. v''(x) is the curvature of the beam at position x.

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Expressions for slope v'(x) and beam deflection v(x) are determined by integrating twice:


Constants C1 and C2 are determined by considering the beam's geometric boundary conditions.

Boundary Conditions
Boundary Conditions are the constraints imposed on a beams by its supports. In order to solve beam-deflection problems, in addition to the differential beam equations, the boundary conditions must be prescribed at each support. Common boundary conditions are shown at right.
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  • Clamped or fixed support (built-in). The right end of the beam has a clamped support. Displacement ( v ) and slope ( v' ) must both be zero.
  • Simple Support (pin or roller). The right end of the beam has a simple support. Displacement ( v ) must be zero. The beam is free to rotate (the pin does not resist rotation), so the moment (M) must also be zero.
  • Free End. The right end of the beam is a free end. Therefore the beam is free of moment ( M ) and shear ( V )
  • Guided support. The right end of the beam has a guided support and is free to deflect normal to the beam, but is unable to rotate, thus the slope ( v' ) must be zero. Also the support is not capable of resisting shear ( V ).

Click on description at left to see example)

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Updated: 05/24/09 DJD