Site revised/updated: Oct. 2, 2009
[link to numerical answers to odd problems fixed]


Welcome to the web site to accompany the text, Strength and Stiffness of Engineering Systems. The site may be explored by using the links in the left menu.


The site includes summary pages of the concepts in the text, as well as interactive practice problems that can used to test your knowledge. At present, Chapters 1-10 have information posted. Numerical answers to odd-numbered problems, as well as other tools and resources are also available.


As time goes on, brief "articles" that expand on various sections of the text will be posted as .pdf files. They will have the same format as the text, and in essence, create new "sections" related the chapter.


Please email us with comments, suggestions and questions (email link in left menu).


The hardbound text may be purchased by visiting - click on the picture of the book's red cover.


Thank you.


Dominic J. Dal Bello

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© 2009 Dominic J. Dal Bello